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  LEGACY SERVER  /  Left 4 Dead  /  Statistics

More Infected were destroyed than the entire Population of Ohio - Population: 11,689,442 Humans.That is almost more than the entire Population of Illinois - Population: 12,741,080 Humans!

Players: 41,397
Points: 100,641,640
Infected destroyed: 12,678,455
Survivors destroyed: 15
Headshots: 1,880,393
Headshot Ratio: 14.83 %
Points per Minute: 94.01

Infected Destroyed
Normal Infected: 11,973,026
Smokers: 146,330
Boomers: 206,588
Hunters: 183,176
Chargers: 58,192
Spitters: 53,116
Jockeys: 58,027

Friendly Fire Incidents: 248,561
Incapacitated Friendlies: 8,131
Teammates Killed: 136
Friendlies Left For Dead: 89,398
Infected Let In Safe Room: 30,922
Witches Disturbed: 104,933

Awards as Survivor
Protected Friendlies: 531,806
Tanks Killed with Team: 287,256
Tanks Killed with No Deaths: 193,076
Revived Friendlies: 137,875
Safe Houses Reached with All Survivors: 81,923
Medkits Given: 68,252
Saved Friendlies from Chargers: 58,194
Saved Friendlies from Hunters: 47,097
Saved Friendlies from Smokers: 45,122
Gas Canisters Poured: 44,766
Rescued Friendlies: 33,146
Campaigns Completed: 28,788
Crowned Witches: 23,369
Saved Friendlies from Jockeys: 20,234
Pills Given: 16,189
Ammo Upgrades Deployed: 12,514
Adrenalines Given: 1,095
Leveled Charges: 179

Total: 2.21 Years (1,070,549 min)
Coop: 2.21 Years (1,070,549 min)