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  LEGACY SERVER  /  Left 4 Dead  /  Statistics

More Infected were destroyed than the entire Population of Washington - Population: 7,535,591 Humans.That is almost more than the entire Population of Virginia - Population: 8,517,685 Humans!

Players: 35,007
Points: 58,351,138
Infected destroyed: 8,627,829
Survivors destroyed: 13
Headshots: 1,220,362
Headshot Ratio: 14.14 %
Points per Minute: 75.70

Infected Destroyed
Normal Infected: 8,157,193
Smokers: 100,678
Boomers: 136,422
Hunters: 117,271
Chargers: 39,721
Spitters: 36,579
Jockeys: 39,965

Friendly Fire Incidents: 179,118
Incapacitated Friendlies: 6,483
Teammates Killed: 111
Friendlies Left For Dead: 62,875
Infected Let In Safe Room: 17,200
Witches Disturbed: 67,075

Awards as Survivor
Protected Friendlies: 328,949
Tanks Killed with Team: 194,474
Tanks Killed with No Deaths: 139,847
Revived Friendlies: 86,660
Safe Houses Reached with All Survivors: 54,559
Medkits Given: 48,585
Saved Friendlies from Chargers: 39,721
Saved Friendlies from Hunters: 31,730
Saved Friendlies from Smokers: 30,922
Gas Canisters Poured: 29,078
Rescued Friendlies: 24,257
Campaigns Completed: 18,779
Crowned Witches: 14,446
Saved Friendlies from Jockeys: 13,872
Pills Given: 11,722
Ammo Upgrades Deployed: 8,644
Adrenalines Given: 633
Leveled Charges: 110

Total: 1.59 Years (770,795 min)
Coop: 1.59 Years (770,795 min)